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Creighton Game

The game was so much fun last night! We didn't get home till midnight, girls were exhausted today but they still went to school. I know I am soo mean! :) Creighton won 71 to 69. Such a close game. Here is a quick snap of my girls at the game.

I was pretty good last night too. I ended up making my hubby take me to Scooters for a yummy coffee. I got a 20 oz caramelishous with an extra shot of espresso. That was the worst of it, I promise. At the game I had a pretzel and that was all. So I think I did pretty well. I did take pics of the game I will post them later after I have had time to look at them.

Today I did 40 min of cardio, didnt time my strength training. Water intake is at 8 glasses already and I have stayed in caloric range today, as long as I keep to my schedule, which I will.