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Well since tomarrow is my 33rd bday hubby thinks it is funny to remind me that I am getting yet another year older. Yeah, I laugh my ass off at that thought. The good thing is HE, the comedian, will always be OLDER than me! That does comfort me some. Not enough but some, and that will have to be enough. I figure I will take life as it comes, making the best of everything. Because no matter how bad it might be it can always be worse. At least that is what I tell myself.

This year I have worked hard on looking at myself trying to "know" myself better and understand myself, mind, body and soul. I think I still have alot to look at and understand but I think it will come in time. Having kids, expecially daughters, one of whom is quite like me, which is very scary for me, has helped alot with me learning more about me. That I am thankful for.

My goals for this year are to blog more, continue with my studies for witch school, continue learning more about myself and hopefully accepting myself more, forgiving things I just cant change about myself. Continue loosing weight, I have lost quite a bit but I would still like to loose more. I will hopefully add a tracker to my sidebar or something for that. I will hopefully be at or close to my goal by Samhain of next year. We are planning to go to Maine and Boston for Samhain. We will be taking the girls to Salem too while we are down. We are looking forward to see family there.

Well, I need to get some wedding photos editing today sometime so I better get to work.