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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving all. Hope everyone is well and able celebrate with their families. Even though James and I dont have our family close enough to celebrate with them, I feel lucky that we are all healthy and happy.  Today we spent at home relaxing watching tv, the girls watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Hubby gave Memphis a bath, he was not to happy about that. Hubby is the cook in the house, as we speak, or rather as I type, Turkey is cooking, mashed potatoes and stewin', and pies are done. Hubby and kids made those last night. Everything smells soo good!

Tomorrow, Black Friday, dont think I am going to be treading to Omaha to shop. We have started our Christmas shopping though, suprise, suprise! Kate wants mostly clothes, Cassy and Sarah have a list coming along.

Anyway, be safe everyone. Have a great day!