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Well, better late than never. Here are those Halloween pics. Taken with point and shoot, but still ok non-the-less.

Sarah - Evil school girl.

Cassidy - the cheerless cheerleader. And this is soo her too!

Kate didn't go trick or treating this year. She stayed home to hand out candy. Her choice not mine. She was so excited to find the ears, collar with a bell and tale, just like Truths. She had to have it.

Me and my girls.

Truth - MEOW!


Other news, Cassidys team hasn't won one game yet this season and she got "talked to" today about no full-on tackeling the other players. Yup, she is my tomboy. Maybe I should put her in football, but I think the other boys might feel less than manly with a girl kicking their asses.

Ok, I have updated. Now my mom can NOT harp at me, "YOUR NOT UPDATING YOUR BLOG!" :P