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Kate turns 11 on Thursday. I think she want to take a few friends to the movies on Saturday. So not going to be doing big elaborate b-day party this year. Which I prefer. We will also probably have a couple extra kids here sleeping over too. Sunday 2 clients, Family and a Senior. Business is truly good, lets hope it keeps up. :P

Oh no kids are home, time to get out the wrestling mat and let them go at it! LOL. All they do is fight lately. Calgon take me away! Or should I say a nice fruity alcoholic beverage! MMMM. A beer drinker I am not. Gloomy weather yet again, makes me feel like I need a nap. Yup a nap would be good.

I was supposed to have an interview today at a bank in Blair, but it got rescheduled, interviewer had a sick kid. IT starts, cold and flu season. We have already (the girls and I) been sick. Last year was so bad for us, lets hope it is not that bad again.

Well, time to stop procrastinating and get stuff done. Photos to edit and need to referee the girls. Ahh, my life! :P