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Yes, MOM I know I haven't updated in a while!! I have been very busy, trying to get all the wedding photos done from last weekend. I finally finished about 2am this morning and finally got the slideshow uploaded just a bit ago. Now I am taking a break!!!!! Well, at least for a while. Today James and I are going to get the last bit of our hedge bushes planted, yeah! Will, finally be done with that. There is still some stuff I want to do in the flower beds in the front yard don't know if we will get to that today, partly because it is too hot. Tomorrow the girls start swim lessons, and Kate and I have to go get her registered for the fair. She has been putting her tackle box together that will also go to the fair to get judged. She has been practicing with the speech she needs to know to show her rabbit. Lets hope she does good. Oh, and if you would like to watch my latest slideshow please click HERE! It is about 16 minutes long and remember to turn up your speakers to here the music.