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Visit with a Old Friend

Yesterday evening I was lucky enough to have my friend Sandy come visit me. We have known each other for most of our childhood lives. It was so nice to reminisce with her about the past. It was awesome to see how good she is doing now! All my life I have always been in AAWW over her. She is one of those people that can draw almost anything, which is something I always wanted to be good at. But nope, not me, stick figures are the best I can do as far as drawing goes :>. Anyways, today we went thrift store shopping and out to lunch. I found a couple of cute props for my studio, which is always good. Here are a couple snapshots of what I bought!

It was so nice to spend time with a friend! I was sad to see her go.

My puppies are getting really big now. They are 2 weeks old yesterday. I will have to take some new pictures of them!