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A for Angel

We started a picture a day project again through the forum I visit alot. But this time it is ABC's, today was our first day. A. For angel! This was shot at 1/40 @ f3.2 ISO was 1600, kinda high ISO but I was using window light and didn't want the shutter to go any slower because camera was hand held. I love Angels might have to get this one printed. Now for letter "B".

I also have Easter Bunny and Bunny photos I will hopefully have time to post tomorrow. I am going to be out of town tonight so I wont have anytime tonight. Kate had her bunny out at the place where Sarah and Cassidy sat on the Easter Bunnys lap. Cassidy found a bunny she wants, but I told her she had to wait until we get our outside hutch. She was really excited about that. She really wants to show a bunny too. But I just cant have anymore animals in the house!! LOL