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Anniversary Pics

Here are some photos from our Anniversary. The first 3 were taken with my camera and the others were taken with Kate's point and shoot camera.

In our room...

Dinner... We spent WAY to much money on dinner! But it was the best food we have ever tasted! Wait staff was dressed up like monks, it was like stepping into a monastery to eat. It was awesome!

After dinner we went to the Comedy Club! I had never been there before and I had a blast! Sorry no pics of that, didn't want any comedians commenting on me taking pics! I girl was so drunk she got kicked out of there!

Just a few pics

Ok, here is my Letter of the Day and just a pic I took of my BEAST KITTY Jinx a while back.

Letter L...LICK

Mr Jinx.

Letters J and K

Here are my Letters J and K....

Letter I

The Letter of the Day is... I. For Incense.

4-H Manicures

Here is one of Kate giving a manicure at the rehad center. She was concentrating very hard on this one!

Letter H

Here is my H. Helping Hands... Kates 4-H group did manicures at the rehab clinic in town, so I figured that would me the perfect H.

Letter G

Letter of the Day... G for Gobstopper.

Easter 2008

The girls went to our City Easter Egg Hunt yesterday. It was over in about 5 minutes with all the kids running trying to get all the eggs! They had fun though.

The girls got up this morning earlier than expected. Kate told us that Cassidy and Sarah we already looking for the eggs and their special gift. But here they are this morning.

Memphis got his Easter Photo taken today! Here is my little and I do mean LITTLE BOY!! He is 11 months old now.

Letter F

OK here it is. Letter F. I guess we are skipping tomorrow because of Easter, but we look for G on Monday! Happy Easter everyone! The kids went on our community Easter egg hunt today, so I will post those pics later.

Here We Go

Ok, here we go again. Here is my Letter of the Day! E... As in the Eleventh Hour.
My camera settings were ISO 400, 1/60 @ f2.8.

My Mom and Dad sent the girls new dresses for Easter. Here are there Spring Photos.





Here a few photos:

My letter of the Day - D - As in dried flower. Setting were ISO 400, 1/60 @ f3.2.

Sarah brought this hat home from school.

Sarah and Cassidy with the Easter Bunny.

While we were waiting to see the Easter Bunny, Cassidy found this bunny. She really wants this one. I told her she would have to wait until we have a hutch for outside.

Katelyns 4-H club brought thier bunnies to Chatt Center, where we went to go see the Easter Bunny. Here she is with her bunny Lelu.

Letter C

Here is my letter of the day "C". Sarah got to help with this one! Again with window light at ISO 800, 1/80 @ f2.8.

C is for Cookie and Cookie is for Sarah! LOL

Letter B

Here is my letter "B".

I have not had time to look at the bunny photos yet, so I wont be posting them today. Coming up on a deadline for a client and am not done yet???!!! Hopefully tomorrow. I shot this at ISO 400, 1/100 at f2.8. I had very good window light today! I am practicing with using available light, which I love the look of.

My seminar went good! A few friends and I went out to eat and Ruby Tuesdays before the seminar. I was brave and had some Cajun Fish thingy. I am not a big fish fan, but this was good!

A for Angel

We started a picture a day project again through the forum I visit alot. But this time it is ABC's, today was our first day. A. For angel! This was shot at 1/40 @ f3.2 ISO was 1600, kinda high ISO but I was using window light and didn't want the shutter to go any slower because camera was hand held. I love Angels might have to get this one printed. Now for letter "B".

I also have Easter Bunny and Bunny photos I will hopefully have time to post tomorrow. I am going to be out of town tonight so I wont have anytime tonight. Kate had her bunny out at the place where Sarah and Cassidy sat on the Easter Bunnys lap. Cassidy found a bunny she wants, but I told her she had to wait until we get our outside hutch. She was really excited about that. She really wants to show a bunny too. But I just cant have anymore animals in the house!! LOL