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I won the last assignment for the forum I visit (BALANCE, see previous post.) Yeah!. Nothing really to win, just a prestige thing. Any who, I had to come up with the next assignment so I decided it would be FAITH. I cant enter this time because I was the one who came up with the assignment, but here is my picture for faith.

Kate and Cassidy have started baseball practice and business is doing well. So with everything I am extremely busy. I just found out that next year our local school here will be having all day Kindergarten! Even though we have decided to put Sarah in the local preschool next year, that will be nice for when she is going to Kindergarten. Kate and Cassidy had there friends sleep over last night, so I had 5 screaming kids! But, the girls had a lot of fun.

New photo of me

Last week I got my haircut and it highlighted and lowlighted. Here is a new picture of me! I know, I know, I hate to be in front of the camera!

infant port

I finished my first set of infant portraits. I had so much fun!! You can view the slideshow by clicking HERE! I finally got around to changiing some stuff on my website. I still have some more photos to add. Lots and lots of work!! :D

Easter 2007

Happy Easter!

The girls had fun going on 3 different egg hunts! One was at the Tekamah Health and Rehab center, the other was at the local park, and last but not least right here in our home. I forgot to put a flash card in my camera for the rehab hunt, OOPSY! And I had a client for the park one, so James took most of these photos!

Setting the Balance

This week, on one of the forums I visit, there was an assignment. The assignment was to photograph something for "balance". Here is what I did.


OK, I am finally updating once again! James took the girls to see the Easter Bunny on Saturday while I had a client, so I thought I would post the photos he took of the girls!

My neighbor has some beautiful flowers blooming right now so I decided to snap a few of them.

Here are a few of my only baby boy!!

It has been so cold here the last few days. Today we actually had some flurries!! I hate it when weather switches like this. Sunny and warm for a week or so then all of a sudden it is freezing again. Business is good. Just signed another wedding in July! Man both the hottest and busiest month of the year! But I love being busy!