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Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life has been crazy busy here. Last night we got 3 1/2 inches of snow. And the last snow storm just melted last week!!! Big bummer! I was so excited to finally see our "sleeping" grass (LOL). I say sleeping because around here when it is winter and the snow has fallen the grass gets a really icky brown and then comes back beautifully in the Spring! Oh, how I long for Spring! Katelyn has her Spring program on March 6th, so watch for, hopefully a video of her singing her parts. James and I finally got a really nice hard drive camcorder! With the tax return I got a much needed upgraded camera, a Canon 30D. The LCD screen alone was worth the upgrade. James and I are going to be doing a couple weddings this summer together and hopefully a family reunion and we needed to have 2 cameras anyway. I am just loving this camera. James has been doing some work on my studio. I was hating taking up and putting down backdrops, so he got me a really cool slider thing, where if I wanted to change backdrops then all I have to do is slide them over. I will save the one I have just in case I need it for any of my weddings, or just to use when I have to go out of my studio to someones home for a session. Very excited about the upgrade and cant wait to use it.

I let Kate practically cook dinner on her own on Friday. We were having spaghetti, so it wasn't anything to hard. Don't worry mom, I was right there next to here. Here she is posing for the camera in mid stir.

We also played with playdough on Friday night. Here is what I made! I almost forgot how much I love to play with playdough. The girls have been making us playdough supper all week. YYUUMM!:>