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Calling Spring

I am sooo bored of having no sun. Where oh where is Spring!!!! Today the Forcast is......, you guessed it, cloudy and freezing rain!!! What!!! I WANT SPRING!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life has been crazy busy here. Last night we got 3 1/2 inches of snow. And the last snow storm just melted last week!!! Big bummer! I was so excited to finally see our "sleeping" grass (LOL). I say sleeping because around here when it is winter and the snow has fallen the grass gets a really icky brown and then comes back beautifully in the Spring! Oh, how I long for Spring! Katelyn has her Spring program on March 6th, so watch for, hopefully a video of her singing her parts. James and I finally got a really nice hard drive camcorder! With the tax return I got a much needed upgraded camera, a Canon 30D. The LCD screen alone was worth the upgrade. James and I are going to be doing a couple weddings this summer together and hopefully a family reunion and we needed to have 2 cameras anyway. I am just loving this camera. James has been doing some work on my studio. I was hating taking up and putting down backdrops, so he got me a really cool slider thing, where if I wanted to change backdrops then all I have to do is slide them over. I will save the one I have just in case I need it for any of my weddings, or just to use when I have to go out of my studio to someones home for a session. Very excited about the upgrade and cant wait to use it.

I let Kate practically cook dinner on her own on Friday. We were having spaghetti, so it wasn't anything to hard. Don't worry mom, I was right there next to here. Here she is posing for the camera in mid stir.

We also played with playdough on Friday night. Here is what I made! I almost forgot how much I love to play with playdough. The girls have been making us playdough supper all week. YYUUMM!:>

Nice Compliment

Today while I was talking to one of Sarah's teachers, she happened to mention to me, that one of the moms was so imprest with Sarahs Valentines Day cards, and she thought that I was definitely in the right career field. That just made my day. It always does to here compliments about my photos.

Just had to share!

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Don't you hate it when you call to customer service rep or telephone support rep and you cant understand a word that comes out of there mouth. I called one today and everything she said I had to ask her what she said. It started to piss me off. You figure when you call a company for any kind of telephone support, they would make sure that the person on the other end can understand them!

Today for lunch Cassidy decided she would make herself into Nacho from Nacho Libre. Isn't she a goof!

Valentines Cards

I have finished making my girls valentines cards. Yeah! I had the printed as wallets and they turned out really good!

Cassidy and Sarah are sick today so they stayed home. It seems like everyone is sick here lately. I called Sarah's school to let them know that she was not going to be there today and the lady that answered said there we like 3 other kids that have already called out today. Wow! Softball sign ups are here and Cassidy and Katelyn want to do it. We will just have to see how much it is to register. I know it is 30 dollars a piece just for the concession stand. Ouch! I cant believe, that we have to pay for the concession stand too?~ Oh, well. So I go check it out tomorrow. Lets hope it is not too much.

Kate has brownies tonight. I am not going to go because of the other girls, so my co-leader is going to come pick her up and drop her back off. Thank goodness. I did not want to have to take the 2 sickeys out in this weather.

Anyway here are the girls Valentines Day cards!

Cassidy's 6th Bday

Her party was a good time. We had about 10 girls here other than our own. We played pin the tail on the donkey for prizes, everyone got to take home a prize. It was a very hectic 2 hours, with only one incident of one little girl throwing a barbie shoe at another little girl in the face. This little girl was being a butt about saying she was sorry too! Oh, well thank god it is done. She got a lot of stuff. Grandma and Grandpa sent her a 80 dollar gift card for Walmart, which she had so much fun spending today!! She ended up buying an I-Dog, 2 bratz, and a new pair of shoes. We got her a Robosapian Robot and a Barbie guitar that she has been asking for, for a while now. She also got a lot of other thing too. Here are some pics, you can also check out all of the by clicking here.

Birthday Girl.

Most of the kids that showed up

The blowing of the candles.

Cassidy and Robosapian.

Getting ready for cake!!

Happy 6th

Happy 6th Birthday Cassidy!!!!!!!!