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Katelyn got her progress report today. She did pretty good. She got...

Reading - 88%
Math - 84%
Phonics - 84%
English - 82%
Spelling - 92%

Grades are a little different here than in CA. where I grew up. Grading goes like this...

100% = A+
93%-99% - A
86%-92% - B
78%-85% - C
70%-77% - D
Below - 70% - F

So she is doing pretty good!!

I think I have said before we are down to two puppies. Someone is coming to look at them today. Here is newer photos of the 2 left. Don't mind the messy bed, this was before I cleaned it for the day. Aren't they cute. Still cant talk James into letting me keep one! So POOH on him!