For people who are checking out my blog to see puppy pictures. There are some on this page and a lot more on my photoblog. The puppies will be 9 weeks old tomorrow! Here are the two females that are left!
I am a 33 year old Eclectic Wiccan livin in the boonies of Nebraska. I am a mom of 3 and been married to my hubby for 12 years. I am a photographer and I have a small studio in my home.
Hobbies include READING...I love sci-fi fantacies...Laurell K Hamilton, Kim Harrison, J.R. Ward, Yasmine Galenorn, Anya Bast, and many others. Music, all kinds. Crafts. Playing with my kiddo's, both furry and non-furry. Photography. Digital oil paintings.
My favorite movies are anything horror. B movies are fun to watch with hubby. Occasional comedies and dramas.
My favorite TV shows, when I watch them are, True Blood, Being Human and a few others.
My favorite bands include Evanescense, Garbage, FlyLeaf, Paramore, Fireflight, Linkin Park, Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, Sick Puppies, and a bunch more...
James is a 36 year old Connected Products Specialist and the love of my life. He has been working at Bishop's for 9 years now.
Katelyn is 11 years old, she is in the 6th grade. This is her 4th year playing volleyball. She is about to start learning to play the Clarinet.
Cassidy is 9 years old, she is in the 3rd grade. She is about to start her 1st season of volleyball. She is my little tomboy, never leave her alone where there is mud or dirt to play in.
Sarah is 7. She is in 1st grade. She is a girly, girl, which means she never wants to be dirty. She loves to play dress up and any kind of pretent play.
E.L.E (Ellie)
Ellie is my Old Lady. She is about 10 1/2 years old and very anti-social except for her human, or should I say human, which is ME.
Memphis is a 2 year old Saint Bernard. His favorite thing to do is drool, get his butt rubbed by any and everyone and try to catch our kitties. He hates baths and people who dont rub his butt.
Truth is the newest member of our family. He is our Wicked Truth, our Dark Hunter. Beware crickets, flies and grass hoppers!
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