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Well Sarah has gone and done it!! She lost her first tooth! My baby is not a baby any more.

Volleyball Game 2

I took some quick photo at Kates 2nd volleyball game. I also took her volleyball portrait, so here they are.

They are the Bolt's this year.

She gets pretty good hops going when she serves! LOL

Kates Bday photos

We are planning to do a rock party. So Kate wanted to incorporate a guitar in her pictures. We figure we could let them play rock band 2 at the party and I could make a guitar cake. Anyway here are the pictures. Each in color and black and white. Haven't figured out which ones we are going to use yet, I am awaiting Kate input.

Right now Kate is doing some Community Service with her 4H group. She is cleaning and serving a a local senior center. They are having a luau. It looked pretty cool. They are going to actually have dancers there too. She should have lots of fun. Today I also took Kate's volleyball picture and took some pictures at her gave. I will hopefully have time to post them soon.


Sarah had her 6th bday party today. It was a good time. Cold and windy but no one was complaining! The girls even caught a couple of frogs while we were at the park too. Anyway here are some pictures.

Yup, she had me make her cake. She wanted something ballerina, so this is what we found. It was good just wish is didn't start to fall apart.

From Us. You can really see her sty in some of these. Just cant get rid of that darn thing!

These next ones are from her friends.

Blowing out of the candles!

Teeter Tauter fun!

And those bouncy animal things.

All the kids at the party!

And here are the girls school pictures.

Grammy and Grampy got her 3 new outfits and a pair of shoes! Which was needed! Thanks Grammy and Grampy, and everyone who sent/gave her presents!

Funny Face Girls

We went to West Point this weekend to take pictures of the girls. After about an hour and a half. This is what they were doing! LOL