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Yup, yet another video of Memphis. He graduated from puppy class on Sunday!! Yeah!

Memphis 4 months old

I took Memphis's 4 month old pictures yesterday. Here 3 of them. The first one is one of the photos I am using for my photo handbag. He is getting fixed today and getting is rabies shot. He is going to graduate Puppy Training through Pet Smart on Sunday. Should be fun to see.

memphis 16 weeks

Kate's 9th B-Day

Volleyball Game last month

Here are a few pics from Kates first Volleyball Game. Yup, I am running behind!

Memphis15 Week Old

Our little boy is getting so big. Puppy Training is going good! His going to be testing in a couple of weeks. He is also getting neutered next Wednesday. Poor thing. But I definitely don't want him to start spraying or ANYTHING else a male dog would do!!! They are just pigs! Anyway here is a new picture.