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Thanks Grammy & Grampy!

This is Kate's 9th birthday present from Grammy and Grampy!! She is so excited.

Happy Birthday Clifford

Sarah made this hat today in preschool. I guess they are having Clifford week because of Clifford the Big Red Dog's Birthday.


Kate had her first volleyball game today and they won!! I finished putting together Kates birthday invitation today. Also I just got her in the studio for some volleyball pics. Here are what they look like. Memphis is on his 4th week of puppy training class and it is going well! We got to Petsmart every Sunday for about an hour and a half. The woman who works with us is awesome! I am learning alot.

Girls are all doing well is school. I have gotten notes home from Cassidy's teacher saying she is a jabber jaws, so we are working on that. Sarah loves her school her teacher is amazing! Cassidy had her too. I spent the day at Sarah's school on Monday and it makes me so happy that Cassidy and Sarah have gotten to experience pre-school with her. Poor Kate had to attend a church pre-school in Omaha, not that is wasn't good, it just wasn't as good. But she made it through it. My girls are growing so big so quickly! In some ways I am happy, but in other ways that just stinks! I miss having a baby around the house. I know James will kill me for saying that! LOL! But I got my LITTLE BIG BOY Memphis. Any who, enjoy the pics.

Sarah's 5th B-Day


I just wanted to do a quick update. And put a few photos from the past few weeks on the blog.
I set up for Herman Days today and here is a snapshot of my table. I should have gotten 2 tables! I didn't have a enough room.

This is our baby Memphis and his lovey!

The last one is from a couple of weeks ago at Wilson Island!

Sarah is having her 5th Birthday Party tomorrow! We are having it down at the park! She is so excited so look for videos or pictures to come!