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Christmas Program

Kate and Cassidy had a Christmas Program last week. They both did very well. Here are some photos of that.

Its been snowing so much here. Last weekend they even has to postpone 2 of Cassidys basketball games because of an ice storm, we havent had this much snow, this early since we have lived here. Hopefully our winter wont be too bad.

Memphis is almost done with his Intermediate Training through petsmart! Only 4 more classes. A few weeks ago on our way home from training, a deer ran out into the road and hit us. My poor van! 3300 dollars in repairs it needs! Ouch!

Anyway here are those picts.

Kate and Cassidy before there program.


Cassidy's season of basketball has been alot of fun. I took her team portraits a couple of days ago. I also practiced shooting sports photography, sadly I still have alot to learn. I just wanted to share some photos I took of her.

Here are here Team Portraits.

And Just A Funny One!